@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001171, author = {相澤, 正夫 and AIZAWA, Masao}, journal = {研究報告集, Occasional Papers}, month = {Mar}, note = {国立国語研究所, 無作為に抽出された富良野市民287名について,ガ行鼻音がどのような傾向性をもって保持されているのかを明らかにし,そこに関与している諸要因を指摘する。次に,相澤(1994a)で報告した札幌市民321名の事例と同様に,この傾向性を説明するための原理として,含意尺度の考え方が有効であることを示す。さらに,年齢差と世代差の観点からガ行鼻音の衰退動向を分析し,年齢差が特に関与的であることを示す。, In Furano city, Hokkaido, 287 random-sampled inhabitants were interviewed to investigate how many of them used the nasal allophone of /g/ in Japanese, and in what conditions, linguistic and extra-linguistic, it actually appeared in their speech. In the previous study on Sapporo city, I proposed a hypothesis that the distribution of the velar nasal consonant in the speech of the velar nasal speakers can be best explained by implicational scaling of the linguistic factors involved (see Aizawa 1994a). In the present study I give further empirical evidence that supports the validity of this hypothesis. I also argue that the principal factor triggering the drift of the nasal allophone of /g/ in Japanese in the Furano dialect toward disappearance should be ‘age', not‘generation after immigration'., application/pdf, 17の書名 : 国立国語研究所研究報告集}, pages = {121--159}, title = {富良野市におけるガ行鼻音の動向}, volume = {16}, year = {1995}, yomi = {アイザワ, マサオ} }