@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001145, author = {相澤, 正夫 and AIZAWA, Masao}, journal = {研究報告集, Occasional Papers}, month = {Mar}, note = {東京語の複合動詞(動詞+動詞タイプ)のアクセントについて,従来指摘されてきた規則性がしだいに失われていく過程,すなわち現在進行中のアクセント変化の実態とそこに関与している諸要因を,大量の調査資料によって明らかにする。具体的には,『東京語アクセント資料 上・下』から採集した,前部成素が起伏式動詞である複合動詞888語について,それらが旧来の規則通りに平板式アクセントを保持しているのか,それともすでに起伏式に変化しているのかを問題とする。特に,語の長さという要因がこの変化に重要な意味をもち,拍数の多い長い複合動詞ほど変化が先に進んでいることを,集団と個人の両面から実証する。, This paper presents the results of a quantitative analysis that makes clear the process of an accent change in progress in the Tokyo dialect. Here, Ⅰ concentrate upon the problem of an accentuation rule which assigns the accents of compound verbs (verb+verb type) in a very simple way (rule A). Ⅰ If the first component of a compound verb is unaccented, the compound verb itself is accented. II If the first component of a compound verb is accented, the compound verb itself is unaccented. In recent decades, this rule, once so strictly observed as to have almost no exceptions, appears to have undergone a change that may bring about further simplification of the rule. The new rule can be tentatively described as follows (rule B). III Regardless of the accent of the first component, the compound verb itself is accented. In the present study Ⅰ turn my attention to the course of the change in which rule A-II mentioned above is gradually losing its power and merging with rule A-Ⅰ. Ⅰ also examine some linguistic factors (e.g.word length) and some extralinguistic factors (e.g.age, sex) that are supposed to play important roles in this accent change. The data were obtained from “A Dictionary of Tone-accent on Words in the Tokyo Dialect Ⅰ,II.”, application/pdf, 17の書名 : 国立国語研究所研究報告集}, pages = {195--265}, title = {進行中のアクセント変化 : 東京語の複合動詞の場合}, volume = {13}, year = {1992}, yomi = {アイザワ, マサオ} }