@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001138, author = {沼田, 善子 and NUMATA, Yoshiko}, journal = {研究報告集, Occasional Papers}, month = {Mar}, note = {国立国語研究所, 対応する自動詞・他動詞には,それらがとる主語,目的語の有情性および動詞の意味に含まれる変化の有無等の意味特徴に典型的な型が見られる。この,意味特徴の典型は,多義語においても慣用句等の特殊な場合以外はあてはまり,典型からはずれるものは対応を欠き易い。しかしそれら典型的意味特徴が自・他対応の有無を決めるのではない。自・他の意味的対応は本質的にはより単純に次のようにいえる。即ち,他動詞文の目的語Yを主語とする自動詞文の表す事象に,他動詞文の主語Xが何らかの形で関与するというものである。従ってXの自動詞文に対する関与可能性が自・他対応を左右するといえる。また上は,XとYをそれぞれ使役文,能動文の主語と捉えた場合の使役文と能動文の対応にも共通する。, Previously,transitive situations were characterized as consisting of the action of an animate on an inanimate accompanied by a change in state and intransitive situations as the change of an inanimate subject,which corresponded to the inanimate being acted upon in the transitive context.Verbs which deviate from this semantic pattern tend to lack a corresponding transitive/intransitive member. However, an analysis of the idiomatic and peripheral meanings of polysemous verbs showed that the applicability of these features in either the transitive or intransitive case did not always guarantee the existence of a corresponding member. In addition, these features were sometimes not relevant even when the correspondence was present.I simplify the essence of the correspondence between transitive and intransitive verbs as follows. The subject of a transitive sentence must be INVOLVED IN SOME WAY in the situation expressed by the intransitive sentence, whose subject corresponds to the object of the corresponding transitive sentence.This also characterizes the essence of the correspondence between active/causative sentences., application/pdf, 17の書名 : 国立国語研究所研究報告集}, pages = {193--215}, title = {日本語動詞 自・他の意味的対応(1) : 多義語における対応の欠落から}, volume = {10}, year = {1989}, yomi = {ヌマタ, ヨシコ} }