@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001136, author = {島村, 直己 and SHIMAMURA, Naomi}, journal = {研究報告集, Occasional Papers}, month = {Mar}, note = {国立国語研究所, 本稿は,児童の漢字学習の仕方に関して行ったアンケート調査の報告である。児童が漢字を使用する(読んだり書いたりする)機会そのものが,漢字を学習する(または学習し直す)重要な機会でもあるという考えから,児童の無自覚的な漢字の学習行動を対象としたところに特色がある。本稿の構成は,次の通りである。1.はじめに 2.調査の概要(1)調査対象(2)調査方法(3)調査の実施時期 3.調査の結果(1)「国語」の好きな順位(2)漢字学習の好き嫌いと家庭での漢字学習(3)読みの学習機会における行動選択(4)書きの学習機会における行動選択(5)漢字の学習の仕方(6)漢字学習の媒体〈付〉基本集計表, This paper is a report on a questionnaire survey conducted on how school children learn KANJI. This survey is particularly noteworthy for its approach to unconscious KANJI acquisition behaviour with the view that the use of KANJI (in reading or writing) is important for their learning and correction. The framework of this paper is as follows.1.Foreword 2. Outline of the Survey (1) School children surveyed (2) Survey procedure (3) Time period of the survey 3. Results of the Survey (1) Ranking of the amount children liked the subject “Japanese Language” (2) Correlation between children's liking/disliking of learning KANJI with their KANJI learning in the home (3) Children's behaviour during reading (4) Children's behaviour during writing (5)Ways children learn KANJI (6)KANJI learning aids 〈Appendix〉 Basic Statistical Tables, application/pdf, 17の書名 : 国立国語研究所研究報告集}, pages = {133--172}, title = {児童の漢字学習 : アンケート調査の結果から}, volume = {10}, year = {1989}, yomi = {シマムラ, ナオミ} }