## ---------------------------------- ## Basic information, License ## ---------------------------------- Title: Koshikijima Accent Database Editors: Haruo Kubozono, Zendo Uwano, Nobuko Kibe, Tomoyuki Kubo, Akiko Matsumori, and Tetsuo Nitta Publisher: Research Department, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) Place of Publication: Tokyo Date of Publication: October 1, 2023 doi: https://doi.org/10.15084/0002000053 License: CC-BY-SA Website: https://www2.ninjal.ac.jp/koshikijima/ Contact: Haruo Kubozono (kubozono@ninjal.ac.jp) Version: 2023.07.20 Sound File: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8384746 @misc{kajikunakagawa21, address = {Tokyo}, author = {Kubozono, Haruo and Uwano, Zendo and Kibe, Nobuko and Kubo, Tomoyuki and Matsumori, Akiko and Nitta, Tetsuo}, publisher = {NINJAL Research Department}, title = {Koshikijima Accent Database}, year = {2023}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.15084/0002000053}} ## ---------------------------------- ## Description ## ---------------------------------- This is an accent database of the endangered dialect of Koshikijima Japanese spoken on the Koshikijima Islands, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. It has been released for academic purposes,for both research and education. It contains the accent data of two speakers each from eight villages on the Islands, with the consent of the individual speakers to make their speech publicly available. The original data of the database comes from the ten-year-long collaborative fieldwork done by the six editors mentioned above. Those who wish to use the data of this database to write an academic article or an essay are required to cite the following as a reference: Kubozono, Haruo, Zendo Uwano, Nobuko Kibe, Akiko Matsumori & Tetsuo Nitta (eds.) (2016) Koshikijima Accent Database.