#################### ## Basic info, license #################### Title: The audio database of Hatoma lexicon (Southern Ryukyuan) Author: Shinichi Kajiku and Natsuko Nakagawa Publisher: NINJAL Language Variation Division Place of publication: Tokyo Publication date: 2021/03/12 doi: https://doi.org/10.15084/00003209 Lisence: CC-BY-SA (applicable to both text and audio files) ウェブサイト: https://www2.ninjal.ac.jp/hatoma/ (written in Japanese) Contact: Natsuko Nakagawa (nakagawanatuko@gmail.com) Source: Shinichi Kajiku (author) Natsuko Nakagawa (Ed.), Hatoma-Japanese Dictionary, Tokyo: NINJAL Language Variation Division, 2020. version: 20210225 Audio files: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4560935 Fund: The NINJAL collaborative research project 'Endangered Languages and Dialects in Japan' and NIHU Interactive Communication Initiative @misc{kajiku21, address = {東京}, author = {加治工, 真市 and 中川, 奈津子}, publisher = {国立国語研究所 言語変異研究領域}, title = {鳩間方言 音声語彙データベース}, year = {2021}, yomi = {kajikusnakagawan}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.15084/00003209}} @misc{kajikunakagawa21, address = {Tokyo}, author = {Kajiku, Shinichi and Nakagawa, Natsuko}, publisher = {NINJAL Language Variation Division}, title = {The Audio Database of Hatoma Lexicon}, year = {2021}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.15084/00003209}} #################### ## Description of each column #################### Open the text file, select the whole document, copy and paste it to a spreadsheet such as MSExcel. WdID: Entry ID PoSID: Part of Speech ID MnID: Meaning ID Order: Order which appear in the printed dictionary SoundFile: Sound file name Wd: Lexical entry(in Katakana without accentual information) Wd2: Lexical entry(in Katakana with accentual information) WdIPA: IPA for lexical entry PoS: Part of Speech Description: Description of meaning Following columns: example sentences #################### # Tags #################### The following tag description is written using regular expressions: in actual use, characters such as {, }, (, ), \ should be escaped. {.+}: Meaningless curly brackets to be ignored by scripts. {Mn_[0-9]}: Meaning ID {PoS_[0-9]}: Part of Speech ID {Sg_[0-9]}: Songs {Exp_[0-9]}: ID of explanation {Rel_[0-9]}: Related words {Ref_(Mn|PoS|Exp|Sg)_[0-9]}: Numbers referring to {(Mn|PoS|Exp|Sg)_[0-9]} (i)... (小文字ローマ数字): Other lists {EOS}: Sentence punctuation in example sentences {Break}: Example sentence boundary in meaning description {SqBr} {/SqBr}: each corresponds to [ ] \ruby{}{}: Kanji and furigana \kaeriten: Kaeriten for Classical Chinense (e.g., レ, 一, 二) [ァ-ヴ]+: Beginning of chapter